Appropriation wins the JukeBoxx New Music Prize of the Christoph & Stephan Kaske Foundation. From the NMZ (Neue Musik Zeitung): The JukeBoxx New Music special prize goes to David Krippendorff in 2024 for his work ‘Appropriation’. The Palestinian-Israeli-French actress and film director Hiam Abbass gives a performance that constantly oscillates between the intimate and the personal, the performative and the theatrical. At the centre is Ravel’s ‘Kaddish’, his rendition of the Jewish prayer for the dead.
From the jury’s statement: ‘The performance by the wonderful actress Abbass addresses with very subtle expression a theme and a conflict that cannot currently be put into words. A prayer for the dead, in which death does not appear, which praises God despite all despair – together with the minimalist music by Anastasio Mitropoulos, a very strong statement. Mitropoulos‘ electronically droning film score takes the harmonies and tone sequences directly from Ravel’s original score, creating an additional level of tension and unease.’

David Krippendorff / Interpretations is published by DISTANZ Verlag, with an interview with Kathrin Becker and essays by David Elliott, Mark Gisbourne, Matthias Reichelt, Andrea Scrima and Chiara Valci Mazzara.

Kali is included in the group exhibition Those Who Remain in the Dark at Art-Lab Berlin in Berlin. The show runs from the 15th of September to the 1st of October 2023. Curated by Charlotte Bank and Salah Saouli.
Artists included: Sirine Fattouh, David Krippendorff, Steen Rasmussen, Frauke Schmidt-Theilig.
These four pastels of mine are included in the exhibition Conflicted at C24 Gallery in New York, from the July 27th to October 3rd 2023, curated by David C. Terry.
List of artists: Jude Griebel, Orit Ben Shitrit, Hadas Amster, Patricia Waller, David Krippendorff, Cal Lane, Abed Elmajid Shalabi, Irfan Önürmen, Alexander Polzin, Merav Kamel & Halil Balabin, Ruth Patir.
Nothing Escapes My Eyes is included in the group exhibition Art from Elsewhere at Lagos studio and Artist Residencies in Mexico City. The show runs from the 2nd of February to the 2nd of March 2023. Curated by Rachel Rits-Volloch and Emilio Rapanà.
List of artists: AAAJIAO, AES+F, Inna Artemova, Claudia Chaseling & Emilio Rapanà, Margret Eicher, Nezaket Ekici, Thomas Eller, Theo Eshetu, Amir Fattal, Christian Jankowski, Ola Kolehmainen, David Krippendorff, Milovan Destil Markoviç, Almagul Menlibayeva, Gulper Mukazhanova, Kirsten Pals, Nina E. Schönefeld, Caroline Shepard, David Szauder, Vadim Zakharov
My film Sleepwalking is included in the group show Minor Universes: Technology-led Emotions, 20th of December 2022 – 20th of March 2023, curated by Zhenhua Li at the Chengdu Museum of Contemporary Art, China.
My film Kali is included in the group show Wie die Vöglein so lieblich singen at Jägerschere / Gallery for Contemporary Art in Wiepersdorf, 14th of August – 11th of September 2022, curated by Nick Crowe.
List of artists: Natascha Fried, Ute Fründt, Irina Gheorghe, David Krippendorff, Sabine & Peter Rossa, Ursula Wilcke
My piece Silenced with Gold will be included in the exhibition Vergoldet / Gilded at the Schloss Biesdorf in Berlin, 12th of June – 21st of August 2022, curated by Harald Theiss.
List of artists: Olivia Berckemeyer, Antje Blumenstein, Ruth Campau, Luka Fineisen, Niklas Goldbach, Eckart Hahn, David Krippendorff, Claudia Kugler, Alicja Kwade, Andréas Lang, Via Lewandowsky, Michael Müller, Sebastian Neeb, Andrea Pichl, Johanna Reich, Stéphanie Saadé, Michael Sailstorfer, Karin Sander, Henrik Strömberg, Philip Topolovac, Panos Tsagaris, Frauke Wilken, Andrea Winkler, Clemens Wolf, He Xiangyu.
A selection of my Silenced with Gold series, as well as other work with gold leaf on the music score pages of Verdi’s opera Aida will be included in the exhibition Vergoldet / Gilded at the Chateau de Nyon in Switzerland, 15th of April – 14th of August 2022, curated by Harald Theiss.
List of artists: Antje Blumenstein, Olivia Berckemeyer, Ruth Campau, Marianne Engel, Luka Fineisen, Niklas Goldbach, Eckart Hahn, David Krippendorff, Claudia Kugler, Alicja Kwade, Andréas Lang, Via Lewandowsky, Sebastian Neeb, Andrea Pichl, Julian Röder, Johanna Reich, Stéphanie Saadé, Karina Spechter, Henrik Strömberg, Philip Topolovac, Frauke Wilken, Andrea Winkler, Clemens Wolf.
A series of drawings of mine are included in the exhibition States of Emergency at Momentum, Berlin (11th of December 2021 – 27th of February 2022) curated by Rachel Rits-Volloch and Emilio Rapanà.
List of artists: aaajiao, Ivan Buenader, Claudia Chaseling + Emilio Rapanà, Margret Eicher, Nezaket Ekici, Thomas Eller, Amir Fattal, Doug Fishbone, Máximo González, Hannu Karjalainen, David Krippendorff, Shahar Marcus, Milovan Destil Markoviç, Christian Niccoli, Kirsten Palz, Nina E. Schönefeld, Sumugan Sivanesan.

Nothing Escapes My Eyes is included in Parallel Worlds, an exhibition at the Nodir-Divan-Begi Madrasa / Ruhsor Museum of Contemporary Art in Samarkand, curated by Rachel Rits-Volloch and Normurod Negmatov.
List of artists: Khulkar Yunusova, Ozod Negmatov, Sohiba Khudayorova, Behzod Toshpulatov, Kamoliddin Rahmatov, Uktam Isirgapov, Tohir Sharafiddinov, Lola Ahatova, Ramil Niyozov, Aziz Fattayev, Almagul Menlibayeva, Theo Eshetu, Amir Fattal, David Krippendorff, Shahar Marcus, David Szauder, Qiu Anxiong

Sleepwalking and a series of drawings included in the exhibition Fragility I, Katharina Maria Raab Gallery, Berlin.
List of artists: Mostafa Choobtarash, Ahmed Kamel, David Krippendorff, Andrea Pichl, Kate-hers RHEE, Andrea Scrima

Nothing Escapes My Eyes is included in the Seoul International ALT Cinema & Media Festival, from the 19th until the 27th of August 2021, as part of the Momentum Collection curated by Rachel Rits-Volloch and Emilio Rapanà.

Nothing Escapes My Eyes is part of the exhibition Art from Elsewhere at Kunsthaus R3 Ansbach, from the 11th of June until the 25th of July 2021, curated by Rachel Rits-Volloch and Emilio Rapanà.

Nothing Escapes My Eyes and Kali are part of the exhibition Timescapes, a two person show (David Krippendorff & Kwon SunKwan) at K.P.Gallery in Seoul, from the 4th of April until the 14th of May 2021, curated by Chiara Valci Mazzara and Ilwoo Lee.

My drawing Burning is included in the exhibition Points of Resistance (04.04. – 26.04.21) at the Zionskirche in Berlin, curated by Constanze Kleiner, Rachel Rits-Volloch in collaboration with David Elliott, Jan Kage and Stephan von Wiese.
List of artists: AES+F, Chrissy Angliker, Inna Artemova, Lutz Becker, Tom Biber, Andreas Blank, Anina Brisolla, Claus Brunsmann, Claudia Chaseling, Chto Delat, Brad Downey, Thomas Draschan, Kerstin Dzewior, Margret Eicher, Nezaket Ekici, Amir Fattal, Doug Fishbone, Daniel Grüttner, Chris Hammerlein, John Isaacs, Anne Jungjohann, Gülsün Karamustafa, Franziska Klotz, David Krippendorff, Via Lewandowsky, Jani Leinonen, MAP Office, Shahar Marcus, Milovan Destil Markovic, Sara Masüger, Kate McMillan, Almagul Menlibayeva, Robert C. Morgan, Matthias Moseke, Jan Muche,Gulnur Mukazhanova, Kirsten Palz, Manfred Peckl, Otto Piene, Stefan Rinck, Jörg Schaller, Maik Schierloh, Nina E. Schönefeld, Kerstin Serz, Varvara Shavrova, Pola Sieverding, Barthélémy Toguo, Mariana Vassileva, Günther Uecker, Bill Viola, Marta Vovk, Michael Wutz, Jindrich Zeithamml, Ireen Zielonka

My piece Silenced with Gold (2016-2020) is included in the exhibition Paradise (27.11. – 31.12.20) at Kleinervonwiese in Berlin, a show with works by and around Michael Buthe.
List of artists: Michael Buthe, Nasser Almulhim, Andreas Blank, Klaus vom Bruch, David Krippendorff, Stefan Kürten, Marcel Odenbach, Manfred Peckl, Angelika Platen, Stephan Rink, Ulrike Rosenbach, Maik Schierloh, Pola Sieverding, Kerstin Serz, Barthélémy Toguo, Ricardo Peredo Wende, Abbas Yousif

Kali is part of the exhibition Little Voices, a show curated by Amy Jackson, taking place on the 11th of October and part of the Kensington & Chelsea Art Week in London.

Nothing Escapes My Eyes will be screened on the 29th of August at Kunstverein KunstHaus Potsdam, curated by Sarah Goodrum und Mirjami Schuppert.

From 26.08.2020 to 08.11.2020, Kali will be included in the group show In weiter Ferne so nah (AArtist in Residence Program 2016-2020) at Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin. Curated by Marc Wellmann.
List of artists: Said Baalbaki, Catherine Biocca, Yvon Chabrowski, Manaf Halbouni, Kerstin Honeit, Ali Kaaf, Ahmed Kamel, David Krippendorff, Andréas Lang, Beatrice Minda, Peles Empire, Yafei Qi, Henrik Strömberg, Susa Templin, Walter Yu

Berlin Senat Project Grant 2020 / Bildende Kunst – Arbeits- und Recherchestipendium 2020
Starting May 12th 2020, Nothing Escapes My Eyes can be viewed on this online group exhibition COVIDecameron celebrating Momentum’s 10th year anniversary. Curated by Rachel Rits-Volloch and Emilio Rapanà.
List of artists: Shaarbek Amankul, Stefano Cagol, Nezaket Ekici, Thomas Eller, Theo Eshetu, Doug Fishbone, Mariana Hahn, Gülsün Karamustafa, David Krippendorff, Janet Laurence, Map Office, Kate McMillan, Tracey Moffatt & Gary Hillberg, Anxiong Qiu, Nina E. Schönefeld, Varvara Shavrova, Sumugan Sivanesan, Mariana Vassileva, Shingo Yoshida

From 02.03.2020 to 31.03.2020, both Nothing Escapes My Eyes and Kali are included in the 2nd Bienal Internacional de Asunción, Paraguay. Curated by Dannys Montes de Oca and Jennifer Rudder.

From 04.03.2020 to 25.04.2020, Sleepwalking will be included in the group show Carbon Dreams, Galerie Parterre, Berlin, curated by Elena Gavrisch and Alexandra Wolframm. List of artists: Ursula Achternkamp, Yvonne Andreini, Elena Gavrisch, Jarek Grulkowski, David Krippendorff, Ulrike Mohr, Diana Legel, Juliane Schmidt, Alexandra Wolframm,

From 30.10.2019 to 11.01.2020, Kali will be included in the group show Show Me Your Selfie, Diskurs, Berlin, curated by Jung Me Chai.
List of artists: Candice Breitz, Yeondoo Jung, David Krippendorff, Warren Neidich, Nina E. Schönefeld, Young-jun Tak, Li Zhenhua.

From 26.09. to 09. 11. 2019 A Small Fee and a selection of works on paper are included in the exhibition Word Up!, C24 Gallery, New York. Curated by David C. Terry and Sharon Louden.
List of artists: Liana Finck, Karen Finley, Deborah Kass, David Krippendorff, Michael Waugh, Steve West, Raheleh Filsoofi, Tia-Simone Gardner, Meg Hitchcock, Cary Leibowitz, Carl Pope, Zita Schüpferling, Allyson Strafella, Hrag Vartanian and Annie Vought.
Review of the show here.

Nothing Escapes My Eyes will be screened in the foyer of the Volksbühne Berlin during BAM! Festival for Contemporary Music Theatre, 26-29 September 2019.

A Small Fee and two large drawings of mine will be included in Bonum et Malum, a group show curated by Dorothée Bauerle-Willert, Constanze Kleiner, Rachel Rits-Volloch, Stephan von Wiese. From 8th of September 2019 until 12th of January 2020 at Kleinervonwiese Gallery, Berlin.
List of artists: Anita Ackermann, Nasser Almulhim, Chrissy Angliker, Oded Arad, Inna Artemova, Max Beckmann, Andreas Blank, Anina Brisolla, Karol Broniatowski, Claus Brunsmann, Thomas Leo Chapman, Claudia Chaseling, Antonina Denisiuc, Kerstin Dzewior, Amir Fattal, Mafalda Figueiredo, Doug Fishbone, Daniel Grüttner, Mariana Hahn, Stefan Hain, Janes Haid-Schmallenberg, Chris Hammerlein, Simon Heser, Monika Immrova, Miru Kim, Franziska Klotz, Wanda Koller, David Krippendorff, Milan Kunc, Jani Leinonen, Via Lewandowsky, Sarah Lüdemann, Paul Maciejowski, Milovan Destil Markovic, Sara Masüger, Almagul Menlibayeva, Tracey Moffatt, Jennifer Oellerich, Onformative, Ulrich Panzer, Françoise Pétrovitch, Otto Piene, Aurora Reinhard, Gerhard Richter, Stefan Rinck, Kerstin Serz, Jörg Schaller, Maik Schierloh, Thomas Schütte, David Szauder, Dagmar Uhde, Mariana Vassileva, Elisabeth Wagner, Michael Wutz, Vadim Zakharov, Jindrich Zeithamml

Nothing Escapes My Eyes is now officially part of the permanent collection of the RMCA Collection, The Redtory Museum of Contemporary Art in Guangzhou. It is currently included in the exhibition Connections and Fractures, curated by David Elliott.
List of artists: James Benning, Amir Fattal, Feng Menbo, David Krippendorff, Lin Xueming, Katie Paterson, Hiraki Sawa, Shen Shaomin, Song Dong, The Propeller Group, Bill Viola, Wang Huangsheng, Zhang Dali.

From 16.07. to 06.10.2019 Nothing Escapes My Eyes and Kali will be included in the group show Show Me Your Selfie, Aram Art Museum, Goyang Cultural Foundation, Goyang, South Korea, curated by Jung Me Chai.
List of artists: Candice Breitz, Yeondoo Jung, David Krippendorff, Hyungkoo Lee, Warren Neidich, Nina E. Schönefeld, Young-jun Tak, Li Zhenhua.

My film Sleepwalking will be shown during this event:

Nothing Escapes My Eyes is included in the group show „Über Grenzen“, May 4th – August 8th 2019, Kunsthalle Bahnitz, Germany.

Artist Residency 2019 at the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Auswärtiges Amt), Berlin.

Kali is included in the group show „Power Struggle“, Mah-e Mehr Gallery, Teheran, 11th – 28th January 2019. Curated by Katharina Maria Raab & Asieh Salimian (Factory TT Berlin /Tehran). Participating artists: Ali & Ramyar (Iran) Negar Alemzadeh Gorji (Iran) Mahi Binebine (Morocco) Mostafa Choobtarash (Iran) Rima Eslammaslak (Iran) Ahmed Kamel (Egypt) David Krippendorff (Germany) Elisabeth Masé (Switzerland) Andrea Salvino (Italy) Mina Talaee (Iran)

Andrea Scrima, Home, Identity, Exploitation, And Appropriation: A Conversation With David Krippendorff, 3Quarks Daily, December 10th 2018

Kali will be presented at the art berlin fair, 27th – 30th September 2018, with Katharina Maria Raab gallery.

From the 8th until the 30th of September 2018, Nothing Escapes My Eyes and a selection of drawings and works on paper are included in the exhibition „Für Immer Blau“ at Kunstverein Duisburg and at Villa Waldsteige, Duisburg. The exhibition is presenting a selection from the Krohne Collection.

Kali has been selected for Concorto Film Festival in Piacenza, Italy. Screening: 18.08.2018, on opening night.

Nothing Escapes My Eyes included in the exhibition The Women Behind, Museum on the Seam, from June 21st 2018.
Artist: Jenny Holzer, Yael Bartana, Thomas Hirschhorn, Yvonne Quisumbing, Trine Sondergaard, Deganit Berest, Michele Pred, Chen Chieh-jen, Carlos Sandoval, Shirley Faktor, Noa Arad-Yairi, Lea Laukstein, Marie José Burki, Michal Rothschild, Andreas Poupoutsis, Meirav Heiman and Ayelet Carmi, Ryoko Suzuki, Nomi Tannhauser, April Dauscha, Nelly Agassi, Esther Naor, David Krippendorff, Alicia Shahaf, Guda Koster, Aliza Olmert

Night of 1000 Stars included in Møenlight Sonata, Kunsthal 44Møen, June 3rd – September 9th 2018, curated by René Block

David Krippendorff / Nothing Escapes My Eyes, Katharina Maria Raab gallery, April 14th – June 9th 2018
Review by Jens Hinrichsen on Monopol online, 28.05.2018
Review by Matthias Reichelt on Tagesspiegel, 19.05.2018

From the 2nd until the 10th of February 2018, Nothing Escapes My Eyes at Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, in their retrospective section Face Forward

From the 26th of January until the 4th of March Nothing Escapes My Eyes will be part of the exhibition „Station Paradox“ at Momentum, Berlin

Kali was screened at the Braunschweig International Film Festival 2017

Nothing Escapes My Eyes will be part of the Musrara Mix Festival in Jerusalem from the 6th until the 8th of June.

From the 14th until the 18th of March in Milan, Studi Festival #3, installation of Nothing Escapes My Eyes, here a review.

From the 3rd of March until the 30th of April Nothing Escapes My Eyes will be showing at the Centre d’Art Contemporani La Sala at Vilanova i la Geltrù, Spain, as part of the LOOP Discover show.

Nothing Escapes My Eyes has been selected at the 8th Cairo Video Festival, 5th – 28th of February 2017

David Krippendorff / Nothing Escapes My Eyes, C&H gallery, January 21 – February 25th 2017
Review by Sara Gerretsen on Mister Motely, 03.02.2017
Review by Saneke Huisman on Metropolis M, 02.02.2017

Nothing Escapes My Eyes at The Pleasure of Love / 56th October Salon, Belgrade City Museum, curated by David Elliott

Short excerpt of Nothing Escapes My Eyes on the current issue of Lute and Drum with a beautiful text by Andrea Scrima.
Nothing Escapes My Eyes has been selected at the Concorto Film Festival in Piacenza.

Nothing Escapes My Eyes has won as BEST SHORT FILM at the San Giò Verona Video Festival

Nothing Escapes My Eyes has won as BEST SHORT FILM at the Berlin Short Film Festival

Nothing Escapes My Eyes has been selected to open the Berlin Shorts Film Festival on the 30th of June.

From the 9th of June until the 31st of August Nothing Escapes My Eyes will be showing at the Museu d’Art de Cerdanyola, Spain, as part of the LOOP Discovery show.

Nothing Escapes My Eyes selected among the ten finalists for the Discovery Award at LOOP Barcelona

Very glad to be part of this beautiful book by Till Cremer (

Nothing Escapes My Eyes at „KIK eight“ in Kino International, Berlin.

Berlin Senat Project Grant 2015 / Bildende Kunst – Arbeits- und Recherchestipendium 2015